Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chapter 28: Surreal Numbers

            Surreal numbers are defined as an arithmetic continuum that do not just accommodate real numbers but infinite and infinitesimal numbers as well. What this indicates is that between two numbers, there is a gap that can be filled. This gap is then filled with the simplest number. Before elaborating on this, some examples of the format for surreal numbers should be given. Consider the following: the subsets consist of the members L and R and are represented by the form {L|R} where L is always less than R. Again, the purpose of this is to find the simplest number between L and R. Some examples would be:
                {0| } = 1                { |0} = -1              {0|1} = ½
                {1| } = 2                { |-1} = -2             {0| ½ } = ¼
                {2| } = 3                { |-2} = -3             { ½ |1} = ¾
As the examples above show, the answer cannot just be any number between L and R but the middle number since the middle number is the simplest number. In the cases for the first and second columns of examples, the answers are essentially the simplest number that would fill the blank space.

                In this chapter, there are multiple types of two player games that use surreal numbers as guidelines for the games. These games are very simple in the fact that the only way to lose is by not being able to make a move. For example, one of the games is played with dominoes and one of the scenarios can be represented by the following crude diagram: 
                [   ]
                [   ]                  (one domino takes up two boxes)
                [   ][   ]
If the game is played with L placing the dominoes vertically and R placing the dominoes horizontally, L can block R by placing a domino in the lowermost vertical position which would leave a position value of zero and since R only has one possible move in the scenario, it has a position value of one. The score is then represented by the notation {0|1} and is defined as ½ ; therefore, left wins since the position counts as half a move in favor of left (left wins when the notation is defined as positive and right wins when the notation is defined as negative).

I found this chapter to be quite confusing due to the fact that you needed to have previous knowledge of a game called Nim in order to understand the rest of the games. Despite that, I also found the chapter very fascinating because it was a concept that my friend and I have previously discussed over the summer without any knowledge of surreal numbers. The concept revolved around infinity and most people think of infinity as being something along the lines of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, etc. Not many people think about the idea that there are an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1 due to decimal places. While we discussed this, we essentially thought that since there are an infinite amount of decimals between each whole number and an infinite amount of whole numbers that our perception of infinity was really infinity times infinity (just think about that for a second). While infinity times infinity isn’t possible, it’s still kind of a cool concept. Food for thought I guess…


  1. I found this chapter confusing but your summary helped make it more understanding. I liked your explanation and examples of the {L|R} form and the crude diagram. It was very interesting.

  2. The topic is interesting and the concept is easy to understand but its applications still remain confusing to me. Good summary though!

  3. Great job summarizing the chapter, it helped me understand the reading a lot better. The examples you included were very cool and interesting.


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